Carpool Program—Be Green and Save Some Green!

The Harvard Longwood Campus offers a discounted carpool program to HLC based employees commuting together.

  • All participants must be Harvard Longwood Based benefit-eligible employees.
  • Registered carpools may stop and start on the first day of each month, with a fourteen day notice.
  • Two Harvard Longwood Campus employees carpooling together will receive 25 percent off the total annual parking fee.
  • Three to four HLC employees carpooling together will receive 50 percent off the total annual parking fee.
  • Payment for all participants must be made through their Harvard payroll deduction.
  • Each participant is eligible to register for the Emergency Ride Home program offered through MASCO.
  • Each registered carpooler will receive one free day pass per month to park in their respective garage.
  • Registering for the MASCO Rideshare Loyalty Programs may help you find a Harvard carpool buddy.
  • For further information please contact the HMS Commuter Services and Parking Office at 617-432-1111 or by emailing