HMS campus spaces are only to be reserved and used by HMS eligible groups and departments.  Staff, faculty, and students should not reserve space for an outside or personal organization not affiliated or part of Harvard Medical School, those types of need are best suited to inquire at and will be directed to the Martin Conference Center

We cannot accept reservations from outside vendors that are marketing to students. Any misuse of space may result in scheduling privileges being revoked for the semester or beyond. The person or department making the reservation is responsible for the room and must either be present or designate a Harvard colleague to be present on-site.  

HMS faculty, staff, and students are able to request reservations for meetings as well as any special events that are Harvard Medical School sanctioned via the HMS Room Scheduling Web App. Scheduling takes place according to the guidelines below.  

Successful requests will receive an email receipt upon submission.  Tutorial rooms do not require any approval; they are confirmed straight upon submission, in the current semester only. All other requests are considered pending until user receives a separate confirmation email from room scheduling.  

Please scroll to the bottom for information specific to outdoor spaces. 

Please familiarize yourself with the HMS-HSDM Campus Use Rules Supplement, released by HMS-HSDM in October 2024. 

General Guidelines

  • Alcohol Policy

    It is the responsibility of any department or individual hosting an event on the HMS Campus to comply fully with state laws pertaining to the serving/selling of alcoholic beverages and to University policies.  

    Before considering serving alcohol at your campus event, you are required to read and understand the HMS Alcohol Policy including host responsibilities as well as subject to all associated charges for permitting, security or HUPD details etc. 

    Click here for the full HMS Alcohol Policy

    HMS does not have a blanket liquor license for the campus, any function where beer or wine (or in rare instances, alcohol) is served will require a special one-day alcohol license from the City of Boston which takes a minimum of 30 days to process. If your caterer holds a State of Massachusetts 12C Caterer's License AND your event is NOT open to the public, the event is exempt from the special-one day license process and your caterer holds responsibility for written notice to the local police chief and local licensing authority 48 hours before the event. You are required to send a copy of the license to to have on file in advance of the event. 

  • Building Hours and Restrictions


    • Monday - Friday, 8:00AM - 4:00PM 
    • Modell Atrium can be booked only after 4:00PM


    C Building: 

    • Monday - Friday, 8:00AM - 4:00PM 


    Countway Library: 

    • Monday - Thursday, 8:00AM – 9:00PM  
    • Friday, 8:00PM – 6:00PM
    • Saturday, 10:00AM – 6:00PM  
    • Sunday, 12:00PM – 9:00PM 
    • Event requests that fall outside of Library operating hours are not permitted.


    Gordon Hall: 

    • Monday - Friday, 7:30 am - 5:30 pm 
    • Waterhouse Room Foyer can be booked only after 5:30PM, no tables in the hallway outside Waterhouse during business hours



    • Monday - Friday, 7:00 am - 7:00 pm 
    • TMEC Atrium can be booked only after 1:30PM


    Warren Alpert: 

    • Monday - Friday, 8:00 am - 4:00pm 
    • Courtyard Cafe can be booked only after 4:30PM
  • Cancellations

    Room scheduling will schedule space as it is requested by the user. Please note you may not always receive the space you request. In an effort to ensure we are maximizing the use of space on campus, we may need to assign an alternative space more conducive to the event or activity. 

    If another group has a room that you desire, you may not use your access to approach others who hold room reservations. All correspondence about room bookings should go through the Room Scheduling office to handle conflicts. 

    Room reservations are non-transferable. A group cannot release a room to another group. Any changes must be made by either editing a reservation directly online or notifying Room Scheduling by email.  

    If an event is cancelled or a schedule change is made, it is the responsibility of the group to inform the Room Scheduling office at least two business days in advance by email. Failure to contact Room Scheduling may result in fees incurred by cleaning and setup of the space for a cancelled event. If the reservation is within 3 business days and there is a service attached, the online system will not allow for self-cancellation, and an email to Room Scheduling must be sent. This is to ensure we can notify any affiliated service departments of the change in plans.

  • Catering for Events

    At Harvard Medical School, Restaurant Associates (RA) is the preferred, on-site caterer, offering unparalleled access and convenience for events held across campus. With their deep knowledge of HMS spaces and comprehensive service offerings, they are a trusted partner in delivering a seamless catering experience.

    On-site Caterer:  Restaurant Associates is stationed on-site and has exclusive catering rights at the Martin Conference Center. They also have full access to all other HMS venues, making them the ideal choice for hassle-free catering. RA offers the convenience of online ordering through, where you can quickly place your catering requests using either an approved 33-digit billing code or a credit card.

    Using Outside Caterers While Restaurant Associates is the preferred caterer, outside caterers are welcome for events held at any venue outside the Martin Conference Center. If you choose to work with an external catering provider, please note that you are responsible for securing building access and making parking arrangements for them.

    Clean-Up and Equipment Returns For drop-off catering, whether by RA or an outside caterer, you are responsible for ensuring the event space is left as you found it after the event. If you choose Restaurant Associates, they will conveniently return to collect any service equipment used.

  • Countway L1 Classroooms

    • L1 classrooms are for reserved courses only.
    • No food or unsealed beverages are allowed in these rooms.
    • The classrooms unlock 30 minutes prior to the start of each scheduled class.
    • Please call (617) 432-1379 if a classroom is not unlocked as scheduled.
    • As a courtesy to the next class, please be sure to leave the room layout as classroom style and ensure all trash is disposed of properly. 
  • Custodial Services

    For rooms with flexible furniture, rooms will be set up in the default room set up unless otherwise requested in advance. Set up types for each room are listed online in EMS, with their capacities. If a nonstandard set up is requested, custodial charges will apply. Examples of set up types that may warrant a fee are banquet style, reception, theater style.  Tables/chairs and instructions can be added to reservations directly online, and any diagrams emailed to Custodial Services receives a list of all setup requests each Friday for the following week. Please submit any diagrams or instructions for your reservation as early as possible, but no later than 1 week prior.

    Click here for common room set up types

  • Fees and Charges

    Campus – Indoors:

    Harvard Medical School/s regular hours of operation are 8:00AM-4:00PM, Monday through Friday. Events scheduled indoors, during regular hours of operation are not subject to a room use charge at this time. 

    Quad Reservations:

    The Quad is available only to internal departments, a 33 digit billing code is required for each reservation. External organizations or individuals may not reserve the Quad.

    There is no fee to reserve the quad for basic gathering use, however requests that require additional support including but not limited to: supply, setup and teardown of pop-up tents or lawn games, addition of AV/media support requiring permitting, rental of furniture or equipment requiring proper delivery/removal support will incur the following fees:

    • $150.00 for weekday events during business hours of 8:00AM-4:00PM
    • $250.00 for weekday events that occur outside of business hours or on weekend days


    Countway Plaza Tent Reservations (NO TENT FOR THE 2025 SEASON):

    The Plaza tent is available only to internal departments, a 33 digit billing code is required for each reservation. External organizations or individuals may not reserve the plaza tent.

    Reservation of the tent will incur fees according to the following schedule:




    Standard Setup -   Weekday, business hours 8am-4pm



    Standard Setup - Off-hours



    Alternative Setup – Weekday, business hours 8am-4pm



    Alternative Setup - Off-Hours



    Weekend Reservations – Standard/Alternative Setup




    Support Department Hourly Rates (as of 2/5/2025):

    HMS Security - $60/hr, 4 hour minimum (subject to change by HMS Security)

    • off-hour access to HMS buildings/restrooms
    • events with more than 200 guests anticipated
    • events where beer/wine service is planned indoors
    • instances where subject matter, guests, speakers or other requires enhanced security support


    HMS Custodial - $53.70/hr (subject to change by HMS Custodial)

    • room setup/teardown and associated cleaning between reservations
    • trash receptacle provisioning and service for outdoor programming 
    • assessed for changes or requested add-ons made within 24 business hours of event date/time


    Other charges to be estimated by the supporting department as need arises:


    Permit and licensure costs for outdoor programming will be estimated by HMS Room Scheduling or the Outdoor Events Coordinator at the time of application and will be charged to the reserving department once actuals are available. 

  • Gordon Hall, Countway 5th Floor

    The Dean of the Medical School submits their schedule for the following academic year (Sept through June) in the early Spring. These meetings take priority in Gordon Hall and Countway 5th floor. Once these meetings are confirmed, any pending requests can expect to be reviewed and receive a response in mid-March.

  • Reservation Relocations

    Room Scheduling reserves the right to relocate the rooms and/or classrooms assigned. In the event a relocation is required, Room Scheduling will give the affected reservation email notice of the relocation need as soon as possible, specifying the new location(s). 

    Where possible, all relocated rooms will be comparable to the rooms originally assigned and have sufficient capacity to handle the guest count. 

    Groups are not permitted to use space that is not on their reservation. In the event a group uses space(s) that is(are) not part of their reservation, they will be asked to vacate the room. 


  • Security for Events

    HMS Security and HUPD perform myriad functions on the Longwood Campus to maintain the safety and security of the community. Events carrying any of the following elements may require security and/or HUPD details dedicated to the event at the cost of the organizing department:

    • Requests booked beyond a building's regular operating hours (4hr minimum may apply)
    • Service of alcohol (HUPD required for 200+ guests or outdoor events)
    • Minors in attendance (under 18, required compliance with the HMS Minors on Campus Policy)
    • Outside guests in attendance (non-HUID holders)
    • Over 100 attendees anticipated (Security presence scales with size, 1/100ppl)
    • Known/perceived security/safety concerns (controversial issues or speakers, etc)
    • Dignitary attendance
    • Demonstration/Protest/Vigil
    • Press presence anticipated


    This list is not exhaustive, other elements may apply to your event that could necessitate dedicated security details or HUPD presence. Room Scheduling reserves the right to review associated information with HUPD and HMS Security and apply necessary details as required by the situation. 


  • TMEC and Classroom Space Scheduling Process

    A call for courses is distributed via email to the academic units. This happens twice per year (October for Spring courses, and May for Fall courses) and the classroom spaces are scheduled on a semester by semester basis. Email requests for course space are sent to the room scheduling office (not submitted by EMS). HMS Courses are given priority over administrative activities in all quad-based space used primarily for teaching activities. 

    • Spring courses - scheduled in November for the following spring. Any pending non-academic requests can expect to be reviewed and receive a response in December. Semester for spring is considered to start on or around January 1st. 
    • Fall courses - scheduled in June for the following fall. Any pending non-academic requests can expect to be reviewed and receive a response in July. Semester for the medical campus generally starts on or around August 1st. 


    One exception to the above classroom restriction is Armenise Amphitheater. For events, inclusive of setup, 4:00PM and after, reservations can be confirmed up to one academic year into the future. 

  • TMEC Atrium Space Use Policy

    Below outlines the guidelines and procedures for the use of the TMEC Atrium space for events following the construction of the TMEC micro market, ensuring it serves the needs of students, faculty, and building occupants in a fair and organized manner.

    General Guidelines

    • The TMEC Atrium space is primarily reserved for dining, study, and informal gathering use by TMEC users from 7:00 AM-1:30 PM
    • Reservations for events before 1:30 PM are only permitted for HMS flagship events such as Match Day, Commencement, White Coat, ITP Week and State of the School. 
    • Please note that prioritizing the dining block for our students, faculty and staff takes precedence; requests for events beginning before 1:30PM will not be approved. 


    Availability & Reservation:

    • All event requests for the TMEC Atrium must be submitted via HMS Room Scheduling Web App for review and approval. 
    • Events may be scheduled in the Atrium starting after 1:30 PM, following the accommodation of the dining block in TMEC.
    • All event requests will be reviewed to ensure they do not conflict with any TMEC amphitheater activities and are suitable for any other concurrent programming. If the TMEC Amphitheater is reserved, separate requests for the Atrium are not permitted related to noise and crowd impacts. 
    • Requests should be made at a minimum, 1 week prior, to ensure appropriate support.


    Micro Market Operations

    • The 24/7 micro market located within the TMEC Atrium will typically remain open and available to students at all times during events.
    • Event organizers are not permitted to request the closure of the micro market or restrict access to it for any reason.



    • All users of the TMEC Atrium space must comply with the guidelines set forth in this policy as well as general room scheduling guidelines.
    • Non-compliance may result in the revocation of TMEC Atrium use privileges. 

Outdoor Space Guidelines

  • Quad Reservation Policy

    The purpose of this policy is to ensure the safe and responsible execution of outdoor events on the Harvard Medical School Quad. This policy outlines the guidelines for internal departments to reserve the Quad for departmental events, the criteria and guidelines associated with use of the space, to ensure compliance with the required City of Boston permitting, and other important information.


    Beginning May 1st, 2023, this reservation policy supersedes the HMS Outdoor Event Policy previously found on the HMS EMS Web App site home. 

    Quad reservation is intended for HMS student or department focused events and other events benefitting the entire HMS Community. Any exceptions to this policy will be made at the discretion of Campus Services.

    • This policy applies to use of the Quad only. This policy does not apply to any other areas for outdoor events on campus.
    • Reservation of the Quad for events, does not imply closure of the entire Quad to other members of the community. 
    • The Quad is available only to HMS/HSDM departments, a 33-digit billing code is required for each reservation. External organizations or individuals may not reserve the Quad.
    • Brightview, at the behest of the Facilities & Grounds Supervisor, will maintain the grounds while HMS Custodial will manage setup and teardown of any in-house furniture in compliance with the reservation schedule.
    • The intent is to maintain the Quad as the centerpiece of the campus, uphold current ambiance and not damage the Quad or its surrounding grounds. As a result: 
      • No organized sporting events may be held on the Quad lawn.
      • Structured tent setups are limited to the HMS Commencement Week in May, White Coat Ceremony in July/August and the Dean’s State of the School Gathering in September.



    The Quad may be reserved for event use, through HMS Room Scheduling by internal departments. You may check availability in the EMS Web App.  If you’re desired date is available, please use the following link to make a request: HMS Quad Reservation Request (this link may be temporarily inactive during the off-season).

    Availability may be impacted by campus construction projects, which may not be reflected in the scheduling system, but which will be reviewed and reported by the Senior Room Scheduler.

    Requests must be made at least 2 weeks in advance for consideration, reservations made less than 2 weeks in advance will not be considered. The Senior Room Scheduler will inform the requestor in such a case. PLEASE NOTE: events that include beer/wine service, amplified music/sound requiring an entertainment license, non-RA catering or food which requires health permitting etc. require 6 weeks’ notice for CoB permitting compliance, so please plan ahead, requests without advance notice will be denied related to insufficient time to obtain required permits.

    Requests that fall on a university observed holiday will not be considered.

    A 33-digit billing code is required at time of request. No other payment types are accepted.



    Final setup requests and layout must be confirmed with Room Scheduling or the Outdoor Events Coordinator 1 week prior to the event to confirm security, custodial and all other services.

    In-house furniture will be supplied by HMS Custodial, should needs exceed their inventory the Outdoor Events Coordinator will assist with rental of additional pieces at the cost of the reserving department. 

    Vehicles are permitted on the paved pathways only for drop-off or pick-up. A maximum of two (2) food trucks may remain on the pathway, only if food is being served out of the trucks and are to be located on opposite sides of the Quad for weight distribution reasons. Permitting is required in such an instance, please see below for more information. The reserving department accepts responsibility for any vehicles requiring Quad access. Any damage to the lawn or mulched areas will result in fees to the reserving department. 


    AV/Media Services

    The quad is not intended for programming requiring heavy audio visual or power needs. In instances where audio would be requested for an event (i.e. microphones, amplification) requests will need to be discussed with the Outdoor Events Coordinator and HMS Media Services for review.

    • Requests for only a microphone and speaker, require a Short Form Permit and 4 weeks’ notice
    • Requests for amplified music, visual display or additional AV to the above, require an Entertainment license and 6 weeks’ notice



    Catering is recommended to be served by Restaurant Associates as a result of kitchen proximity, campus familiarity and confirmation of appropriate licensure and permitting however you may utilize external caterers, for food and non-alcoholic beverage service. The requesting department is responsible for working with the Outdoor Events Coordinator to ensure appropriate licensure and permitting is in place as required by the City of Boston.

    If beer/wine is intended to be served, you are required to use Restaurant Associates who will file appropriate special one day licensing on your behalf and in accordance with City of Boston requirements – 30-day notice is required. Exceptions may be made for caterers holding a valid 12C Caterer's License through the State of MA. 

    An HUPD detail is required for any reservation with beer/wine service, this will be arranged by the Outdoor Event Coordinator at the cost of the reserving department. 



    There is no fee to reserve the quad for basic gathering use, however requests that require additional support including but not limited to: supply, setup and teardown of pop-up tents or lawn games, addition of AV/media support requiring permitting, rental of furniture or equipment requiring proper delivery/removal support will incur the following fees:

    • $150.00 for weekday events during business hours of 8:00AM-4:00PM
    • $250.00 for weekday events that occur outside of business hours or on weekend days


    Standard security charges will apply for any event off hours for access to restrooms in the C-Link or G/A Link entrances and/or any event requiring additional security support regardless of timing. ($60/hr, 4-hr minimum as of 2/5/2025 – subject to change by HMS Security)


    Standard custodial charges will apply for all events related to trash service and associated requests/requirements. Additional charges will be assessed for last minute changes or requested add-ons. ($53.70/hr as of 1/1/2024 – subject to change by HMS Custodial)


    Usage Guidelines

    1. All events held on the quad must comply with the policies and guidelines set by HMS and HMS Campus Services.
    2. The reserving department is responsible for ensuring that the quad is left clean and in good condition after the event. If the area is not left in an acceptable condition, additional cleaning fees may apply, and future reservation requests may be denied.
    3. The reserving department must provide advance notice as indicated above for Campus Services to obtain any necessary permits or approvals for their event and ensure that all necessary precautions are taken to minimize noise and other disruptions to nearby buildings.
    4. The reserving department must comply with all fire and safety regulations and ensure that all necessary precautions are taken to prevent fires and other hazards. 
    5. Open flame BBQ grilling is not permitted anywhere on the HMS Campus. BBQ style drop off catering is permitted in accordance with the above policy and City of Boston regulations.
    6. If an event needs to be cancelled, the reserving department must notify HMS Room Scheduling as soon as possible. Cancellations of less than 1 week may result in fees for arranged services that are unable to be cancelled without penalty.
    7. Failure to comply with this policy may result in the denial of future rental requests and other disciplinary action as deemed appropriate by HMS and Campus Services.

    This policy may be amended at any time by Campus Services. Any amendments will be posted here.

  • Countway Plaza Tent Reservation Policy - NOT AVAILABLE in 2025

    PLEASE NOTE: The Countway Plaza tent will not be erected for the 2025 outdoor events season due to planned construction in and around the adjacent buildings. 

    The purpose of this policy is to ensure the safe and responsible use of the outdoor tent located on the Harvard Medical School Countway Plaza. This policy outlines the guidelines for internal departments to reserve the outdoor tent for departmental events, the standard set for the number of people and seating arrangements, to ensure compliance with the required City of Boston permitting, and other important information.

    HMS Campus Services erects, a 40’x80’ tent on the Countway Plaza beginning late April through end of October. Removal timing will be confirmed based on weather, temperature, and other factors and will not exceed 1st week of November.

    The intent of this temporary structure is to provide expansion of outdoor seated dining options on the Longwood Campus and to support departmental outdoor events as requested.

    • This policy applies to use of the Countway Plaza tent only.This policy does not apply to any other tent uses or areas for seated dining or outdoor events on campus.
    • The outdoor tent is available only to internal departments, a 33-digit billing code is required for each reservation. External organizations or individuals may not reserve the tent.
    • Brightview, at the behest of the Facilities & Grounds Supervisor, will maintain the in-house furniture and surrounding area on a daily basis and ensure compliance with the stamped plans and reservation schedule.
    • On dates when the tent is not reserved, the tent will be available for general outdoor dining for the Longwood Medical Community. Please be courteous of reserved events.



    Beginning May 1st, the Countway Plaza tent may be reserved for event use, through HMS Room Scheduling by internal departments. You may check availability in the EMS Web App.  If you’re desired date is available, please use the following link to make a request: HMS Countway Plaza Request (this link may be temporarily inactive during the off-season)

    There is a limit of one (1) reservation per day related to labor limitations. And a further restriction due to labor limitations, related to timing of events, such as no breakfast event followed by a previous dinner event – scheduling compliance will be managed by the Senior Room Scheduler and the Outdoor Events Coordinator.

    Availability may be impacted by campus construction projects, which may not be reflected in the scheduling system but which will be reviewed by the Senior Room Scheduler.

    Requests must be made at least 2 weeks in advance for consideration, reservations made less than 2 weeks out will not be considered. The Senior Room Scheduler will inform the requestor in such a case. PLEASE NOTE: events that include beer/wine service, amplified music/sound requiring an entertainment license, etc. require 6 weeks’ notice for CoB permitting compliance, so please plan ahead, requests without advance notice will be denied related to insufficient time to obtain required permits.

    Requests that fall on a University observed holiday will not be considered.

    A 33-digit billing code is required at time of request. No other payment types are accepted.



    The standard, daily set for the Countway Plaza tent, based on current inventory and support needs of campus wide programming, is for 100 people, arranged in 20 - 48” wooden rounds with 5 chairs per table. No additional chairs or tables may be brought in without prior approval from the Senior Room Scheduler or the Outdoor Events Coordinator. 

    There are 4 additional set options which have been stamped allowable by the City of Boston. These include options of rounds for 192 (or less), rounds for 162 (or less) with buffets and the option to add a riser, and a social/reception option. In all cases, all the furniture is required to be rented by and at the cost of the reserving party. Review of alternative options to the standard, daily set and estimated furniture costs may be reviewed with the Outdoor Events Coordinator. 

    In the event of an alternative set selection, the requestor will be required to provide billing information to the Outdoor Events Coordinator who will make delivery/setup and teardown arrangements with the rental company and manage those details on behalf of the requestor to ensure compliance with other scheduling requirements and location specifics. 

    At no time can tent capacity exceed 200 persons. Events for 200+ people will not be considered for this space. Events for 100+ persons will likely require an alternative set as described above.



    The tent is not intended for programming requiring audio visual. Nothing may be hung on the structure itself. In instances where audio would be requested for an event (i.e. microphones, amplification) – requests will need to be discussed with the Outdoor Events Coordinator and HMS Media Services for review. 

    • Requests for only a microphone and speaker require a Short Form Permit and 4 weeks’ notice
    • Requests for amplified music and additional AV to the above, require an Entertainment license and 6 weeks’ notice



    Catering is recommended to be served by Restaurant Associates as a result of kitchen proximity, campus familiarity and confirmation of appropriate licensure and permitting however you may utilize external caterers, for food and non-alcoholic beverage service. The requesting department is responsible for working with the Outdoor Events Coordinator to ensure appropriate licensure and permitting is in place as required by the City of Boston.

    If beer/wine is intended to be served, you are required to use Restaurant Associates who will file appropriate special one day licensing on your behalf and in accordance with City of Boston requirements – 30-day notice is required. Exceptions may be made for caterers holding a valid 12C Caterer's License through the State of MA. 

    An HUPD detail is required for any reservation with beer/wine service, this will be arranged by the Outdoor Event Coordinator at the cost of the reserving department.  


    3.4 Fees





    Standard Setup -   Weekday, business hours 8am-4pm

    $100.00 $200.00

    Standard Setup - Off-hours


    Alternative Setup – Weekday, business hours 8am-4pm


    Alternative Setup - Off-Hours


    Weekend Reservations – Standard/Alternative Setup



    • Standard security charges will apply for any event off hours for access to restrooms in the WAB and/or any event requiring additional security support regardless of timing. ($60/hr, 4hr minimum as of 2/5/2025 – subject to change by HMS Security)
    • Standard custodial charges will apply for all events related to trash service and associated requests/requirements. Additional charges will be assessed for last-minute changes or requested add-ons. ($53.70/hr as of 1/1/2024 – subject to change by HMS Custodial)


    Usage Guidelines

    1. All events held under the tent must comply with the policies and guidelines set by HMS and HMS Campus Services
    2. The reserving department is responsible for ensuring that the tent area is left clean and in good condition after the event. If the area is not left in an acceptable condition, additional cleaning fees may apply, and future reservation requests may be denied.
    3. The reserving department must provide advance notice as indicated above for Campus Services to obtain any necessary permits or approvals for their event and ensure that all necessary precautions are taken to minimize noise and other disruptions to nearby buildings.
    4. The reserving department must comply with all fire and safety regulations and ensure that all necessary precautions are taken to prevent fires and other hazards. No open flame is allowed under the tent.
    5. Open flame BBQ grilling is not permitted anywhere on the HMS Campus. BBQ style drop off catering is permitted in accordance with the above policy.
    6. If an event needs to be cancelled, the reserving department must notify HMS Room Scheduling as soon as possible. Cancellations of less than 1 week may result in fees for arranged services that are unable to be cancelled without penalty.
    7. Failure to comply with this policy may result in the denial of future rental requests and other disciplinary action as deemed appropriate by HMS and Campus Services.

    This policy may be amended at any time by Campus Services. Any amendments will be posted here.

  • City of Boston Permitting Requirements for Outdoor Events

    Anyone hosting an outdoor event on public or private property needs to submit a Special Event application. An application is required whether the event is free or ticketed, open to the public or invitation only. To hold a special event, HMS Room Scheduling may need to get permitted through several departments at the city, as a result the minimum requirement for submission of permitting is 4-6 weeks depending on the level of need. (Source: COB Permitting)

    HMS’ embedded dining vendor, Restaurant Associates will take care of the catering and beer/wine permitting requirements on your behalf in instances where you cater through them. For outdoor events you are required to use Restaurant Associates for beer/wine service related to the complexity of the requirements around alcohol service, exceptions may be made for caterers holding a valid 12C Caterer's License through the State of MA. 

    In all below instances, HMS Room Scheduling will coordinate the required applications and materials on the reserving party’s behalf and submit to the City of Boston who require a single point of contact at the school. The reserving party will be responsible for obtaining required documentation from outside vendors. For these reasons, time limits noted below are strict. 

    Common event inclusions that require permitting or licensure at the city level:

    Outside caterer (not Restaurant Associates) requires a Health Permit (can be part of entertainment license or standalone) – caterer must be approved through City of Boston and supply the following to HMS Room Scheduling:

    • Health Certificate
    • Caterer's License


    Beer/wine service requires a special one-day alcohol license ($75) – Notice = 30 days unless combined with an entertainment license then 6 weeks

    • Application 
    • Event Flyer or promotional information
    • Site plan or floor plan indicating alcohol service and consumption area
    • Security and Operations Plan
    • HMS Certificate of Insurance (supplied by Room Scheduling)
    • HMS Evidence of Insurance letter (supplied by Room Scheduling)
    • HMS Workers Comp letter (supplied by Room Scheduling)


    Amplified sound requires short form permit ($45) – Notice = 30 days unless combined with an entertainment license then 6 weeks


    AV rigging or visual component, live amplified music, stage (under 18” high, over 18” not permitted), food trucks (need to select trucks already approved by city of Boston,, carnivals, live animals requires an Entertainment License ($75)  - Notice = 6 weeks

    • Application
    • Event Flyer or promotional information
    • Site plan or floor plan indicating location of all elements 
    • HMS Certificate of Insurance (supplied by Room Scheduling)
    • HMS Evidence of Insurance letter (supplied by Room Scheduling)
    • HMS Workers Comp letter (supplied by Room Scheduling)
    • Health Certificates and fire insurance for all food trucks/purveyors/vendors


    Other items that may force an entertainment license for consideration:

    • Tents over 10’x10’ or 10x10’ groupings
    • Lawn games
    • Athletics
    • Dancing/performers
    • Karaoke
    • MMA
    • Projectors or TVs
    • Generators
    • DJs
    • Carnival style games
    • Enclosed spaces with fencing or gates


    Pricing for all permitting is dictated by the City of Boston and subject to change at their discretion. HMS Room Scheduling will chargeback the reserving department accordingly. 

    With questions, please reach out to the Outdoor Events Coordinator who will liaise with Devonne Countryman-Monteiro, Campus Services Manager and the City of Boston event permitting liaison at HMS. 

  • HMS Outdoor Events Information- 2025

    • Click here for a copy of the updated information deck for the 2025 outdoor events season